23/24 Kindergarten Registration
Starting 4/10/2023 and ending on 4/10/2023
Event Groups:
• Oak Grove Elementary - Oak Grove Elementary Events
Complete the following steps before April 10th...
* You must register online @ www.mcsd.org > select "23/24 Kindergarten Registration"
* Visit your school's website to schedule your appointment > if you live in OGES boundary, click HERE to schedule your appointment for your student 

Children must be 5 years old by August 1, 2023 to register

At your appointed time, Please bring: 
*Two forms of Address verification (i.e. bill with address, bank statement, rental agreement, etc), Birth Certificate and Immunization Record

If you have any questions, please call OGES or MCSD District office @ (970) 252-7933 or (970)252-7938

Oak Grove Elementary School