School Motto - Work Hard Be Kind
School Theme: Relationships Over Everything
School Vision: Columbine Middle School promotes integrity, character, and courage to inspire a love of learning for all students through meaningful relationships with every staff member, every day.
CMS Spirit Week (February 10-14, 2025)
Monday (2-10): Camo Day (wear your camouflage)
Tuesday (2-11): Wear your favorite Sports Jersey
Wednesday (2-12): Pajama Day (for $1 you may also have a blanket with you)
Thursday (2-13): Red, Pink, and/or White Day
Friday (2-14): CMS Spirit Day (wear any Columbine gear you have, or wear our school colors - Blue and White)
Columbine Middle School
As a reminder we are traveling to Powderhorn on Feb 14th, 28
th, and March 7
th. That’s this week!! Please confirm Parent/Chaperone participation with Mr. Roth via email before Wed of each week (
[email protected]). This includes students who are unable to attend. Emergencies and unforeseen circumstances need to be communicated ASAP.
Friday Feb 14th is our first day of skiing/snowboarding! Make certain you arrange to receive your school assignments prior to leaving for the Ski/Snowboard activity day. All homework needs to be completed or requested prior to leaving for EACH week.
Students should dress for any type of weather. It is always better to dress warm and in layers. Waterproof pants, a hat, gloves or mittens, sweatshirt or turtleneck, and a warm jacket are recommended. If you choose to ski in jeans, make sure they do not have buttons or zippers on the legs (jeans are NOT recommended). Goggles or sunglasses should be worn for eye protection and don’t forget sunscreen. Snowboarders should wear wrist guards and have straps for their boards. Powderhorn will supply ALL students with a helmet. ALL students are required to wear a helmet.
Students are to report to Columbine Middle School at 6:35 a.m. with our departure scheduled at 6:50 a.m. We will leave Powderhorn at 4 p.m. and arrive back to Columbine at approximately 5:45/6 p.m. Your child should be picked up at this time. Students will be able and encouraged to call for confirmation of arrival time at Columbine Middle School for each trip.
Students will be grouped according to their ability from Beginner to Advanced. Lessons will be from 10-12:00 noon and 1-3 p.m. with free time (supervised) from 12-1:00 p.m. and 3-3:30 p.m. each day. Students may bring a sack lunch or purchase lunch at the lodge. We have a conference room where students can leave backpacks.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please call Mr. Roth at Columbine Middle School. The number is 249-2581 ext. 4156 or email
[email protected].
Items you may want to bring
Lunch or Money for lunch
Layered Clothing
Lip balm
Scarf/neck warmer
Water Bottle
Wrist Guards
Ski/Snowboard Equipment
Extra socks
Character Strong (Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum) Scope and Sequence for families:
Sports Physicals
If you plan on playing any sports during the school year, you'll need to have a current (within the past 12 months) physical on file with the office. Physicals can be taken care of through your primary care doctor, urgent care for $20, or other medical professionals in town.