Greetings Johnson Family,
We have been doing some amazing things here since we came back from Winter Break. Some classes were able to spend extra time with me in the library during ACCESS testing. We had lessons, did some read alouds for the Colorado Children’s Book Award (CCBA), and even “flashlights and forts” one day!
Speaking of the CCBA awards, students and teachers have been reading all 10 nominees and voti

ng has wrapped up and I am submitting our school’s favorite selection to the state this week. Our favorite book was “The Scariest Book in the Whole Entire World“! It is about a rock who tries to convince the reader that the book he is in is too scary. Hilarity ensues. (As your child could tell you, the book is more funny than scary!)
We also celebrated World Read Aloud Day over the course of a week. Teachers and classes were challenged to read aloud for 90 minutes over that week. The classes who reached their goal were awarded bookmarks and stickers for every student. The top classes were also gifted a new book to enjoy in their classroom library!
Thank-You for always being supportive and encouraging of my efforts in literacy for your children!
Mrs. Whitcomb (Mrs. Books)